Wednesday, May 12, 2010


By now there’s probably no one who has missed Google’s plastic surgery. Except maybe China. The new Google redesign invokes in me a myriad of opinions, but neither of them really positive about the change. So many search engines running behind the objective of improving user search experience with interface. Big Honk – wrong memo guys.

Google and its goslings (uniform blue links) need better tools than a face lift. And answering questions to make precision part of its search isn’t my idea of instant. Maybe it needs Betty White or yolink. See “From Golden Girl To It Girl: Betty White Has Become Marketing Magic.”

Historically, change is either widely accepted or people simply come around. Herd mentality, short-term memory. Pick one. 'Coz right now we don’t have much of a say, like to untag ourselves from this new search interface. And a lot of us are doing the whole “We need to talk” bit, like me blogging about it.

But Google gods are pleading for users to work with them on this one. Here’s Googler, Rubie, in the Google Web Search Help forum responding to one complaint in a long but somewhat funny manner.

"It pains me to witness the tragic unraveling of a technological love affair... but I still think there's hope for your relationship. I, too, was shocked by the new Google search results page when I first saw it. Where had my beautifully textured G-O-O-G-L-E gone? And who invited Left-Nav to the party? It was like my mom had changed her cheesy potatoes recipe and ruined Thanksgiving forever. Nevertheless, out of respect for the Google, as my friends like to call it, I gave it a whirl….
….I understand if you recall with longing another time with a different Google results page, but Google is not ready to give up on its relationship with you. You're free to search wherever you like, but know that Google will be always be waiting for your return."

Well, Google’s banished to the couch for the time being. But the recent change of “scene” makes me dig in my stilettos and say again, something big is happening to search, to content. To user search experience. And I for one will be waiting to see how the interface graduates into better user experience.

Look out for the signs people, for change is coming. And about time too.